Thursday, February 24, 2011

Marine Corps Marathon Sold Out!!!

So glad Kate, Leslie and I registered yesterday.  Marine Corps Marathon sold out in a record time of 28 hours, 4 minutes for 30,000 runners.  This year, I really want this teddy bear if I run well:

It is a Vermont teddy bear and you can even get your name personalized on his/her bib.  Yes, it will cost $83.00, but I told Jordan it was a lot cheaper than flying to Chicago for the Chicago marathon.

Anyone know of any other good races in DC?  I can't wait till October to go down, and I want to invite myself to visit Caitlin and Peter :)

Running wise, Penny ran a mile with me today.  She lays down in the middle of the road when she decides to be done.  It really makes me sad when she wants to stop, but my neighbors look at me wierd when I try to drag her to encourage her to stop it.  The Dog Whisperer does it, but I feel a little too mean.  I ran an easy five and did strides and even some form excercises when I was done.  I used to do them in college and I thought it would be something easy to add in.

50% of Parent/Teacher conferences done and tomorrow is Friday.  Only running 4 miles tomorrow morning in preparation for the race Saturday!


  1. Yes come visit me!!! Even if there isn't a race going on, you should come and we'll have fun!

  2. We would love to come down and visit! Just say when!
